Monday, February 28, 2011

My Cell Phone, My Security Blanket

Remember when we had cell phones just in case of an emergency and their only use was for talking? Now some are mini computers used to the point of dangerous, sometimes deadly distractions and something else I've noticed lately--they're now the go-to item to get many of us through socially awkward situations.

I was invited to a restaurant taste test last week.  I arrived a few minutes early and was asked to sit down and wait until the moderator was ready to escort the group for the tasting.  A few people were already seated and others were streaming in. You could hear a pin drop. Wait. I think I could hear dust floating it was so quiet.  No one, including myself, spoke to each other.  Instead, we were all in position. You know what I mean.  Phone in hand, head down, eyes on the screen ... concentrating. I'm sure some were reading, some were texting, some were updating their social networks, some may have been scrolling down their contact lists, for all I know.

I'm sure some had legitimate reasons to be using their phones. But I have a strong feeling most were using their phones to avoid speaking to the strangers in the room. I mean, who really wants to have small talk with folks you'll probably never see again? We now have something to save us from the "Wow, it looks like it's going to storm." Or the, "Texas weather is so crazy in February, isn't it?" Or, "I'm kind of excited to be here. We get to taste food AND get paid to do it!"  So now we cling to the impersonal device.

I confess, I was momentarily guilty.  I texted Jason (he was outside with the kids) to let him know that it looked like we were getting started late. Then I looked up to see everyone looking down.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day!  How did you celebrate this year?

My husband and I had our Valentine's date over the weekend.  It was so nice to steal a few hours away from our kids.  We haven't gone out as much as we would like to since Audrey was born because she struggles with severe separation anxiety.  It's really hard on us knowing that she will cry most of the time, though she (and James Charles) have only been left with my parents or sister-in-law. But Jason and I decided that we were long overdue for date night and Audrey would (sniff sniff) have to endure a few hours without us.

We took our time getting dressed up and met up with some couples from our church for dinner at a jazz restaurant. On the drive over, Jason and I made a concerted effort to steer away from talking about the kids. Of course we love them to pieces, but Mommy and Daddy need a break from mommy-and-daddy mode. It paid off. We had a blast actually talking to each other without having to shout over crying or music requests from our boy.